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Showing posts from December 13, 2020

Week Five - The Wheat and the Weeds

Welcome to Week Five of our Bible Study! This week, we will continue in Matthew 13 with the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds. Recall that parables are stories that come with a moral or spiritual lesson. All of the stories that Jesus told would have been very familiar to his audience and they certainly understood the growing of crops, wheat being one of the most important. Jesus told the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds in verses 24-30 and then went on to explain the meaning in verses 36-43. He begins by giving us the subject or main idea of the parable, which is the Kingdom of Heaven, which “is like” or “has been compared to” the sowing of wheat in the field. Jesus goes on to tell several parables about the Kingdom of Heaven. A few things to consider as we discuss this Sunday evening: ·        Who is the enemy? ·        What is the significance of the sowing of the weeds being done while his men were sleeping? · ...