Welcome to Week Twenty-Six of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at Matthew 20: 1-16, but you should actually start reading in Matthew 19:16 and read through the end of the chapter. You will note that chapter 20 picks up right where chapter 19 left off, meaning this was one series of interactions between Jesus, His disciples, and the people around them. It should really be one long chapter to preserve the context of this dialogue. At any rate, we find Jesus once again discussing His kingdom and what is necessary to be saved. I think one of the prevailing themes of this dialogue is the sovereignty of God, which we encounter throughout the scriptures. As you read through these verses, consider what Jesus is getting at and how radical these concepts were to this audience. These ideas are every bit as radical today as they were then. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom: We will use Zoom for this...
Two are better than one...a cord of three strands is not easily torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4