Welcome to Week Twenty-Three of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at the parable of the unrighteous judge and the relentless widow. Last week we opened our study with a question about God’s sovereignty. We will somewhat continue that conversation this week as we discuss a parable that Jesus told to teach us to be persistent in our prayers. Another angle on this to consider the dynamic between turning over an issue to God vs. continuing to petition God. Which is it? Do we pray over it and then turn it over to God? Or do we keep praying? Related to this is the power of our prayers and God’s will. Do our prayers really work to change God’s mind? If not, why are we told to pray at all? It seems there are many things to think about this week! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. John MacArthur article on God's Absolute Sovereignty: https://www.gty.org/library/Articles/A167/Gods-Absolute-Sovereignty ...
Two are better than one...a cord of three strands is not easily torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4