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New Link For Sunday Night Study

Greetings everyone. We are switching to Google Meet for our Sunday night Bible study. This is the link for our study. You may need a Google account to use Meet, so it may prompt you for a login. : We will continue to meet Sunday evenings at 7:30 EST and we are studying Matthew. 

Week Thirty: Abiding in the Vine

Welcome to Week Thirty of our Bible study! Last week we discussed what our Father expects of us. This week we will continue that theme and look at two specific passages. Again, we will ask that question, “What does our Father expect of us?” We will look at the parables of the wise and foolish builder (Luke 6:47-49) and the discourse found in John 15:1-17, where our Lord discusses the vine and branches. Although different passages, I consider them to be connected and address the fundamental question of expectation. The answer is quite simple but plays out over a lifetime, and this can make abiding a bit challenging at times. I think this is why we have the whole Scripture to consider and reflect upon rather than isolated passages. And as a Believer, nothing can be more critical and fundamental than building our faith and daily experience on the right foundation. We will have lots to discuss this week! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday ev...

Week Twenty-Nine: What Does God Expect From Us

Welcome to Week Twenty-Nine of our Bible study! Have you ever wondered, “What does God expect of me?” Or perhaps, “What is God’s will for me?” These topics are big business in the self-help industry and there have been a lot of studies and books about God’s will/expectations in our lives. This week we will be look at Luke 17:7-10. This short parable addresses God’s expectations in a very direct, in your face kind of way. In addition to these verses, we will look at a few other passages on the subject and try to gain an understanding of what Jesus was saying to his disciples in this short parable. We will have lots to discuss this week! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, iPad or other po...

Week Twenty-Eight: The Wayward Son & the Loving Father

Welcome to Week Twenty-Eight of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at Luke 15:11-32. This is a wonderful and familiar story to all, the Prodigal Son. These verses follow immediately after those of last week, where we looked at the love of the Father seeking after a lost sheep. The parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son were all spoken to the same audience, and largely delivered for the same purpose. That said, there is great application to everyone, and I challenge you to dig deeper and resist the temptation to look at these parables through the lens of past experience or tradition. The Word is alive and constantly able to speak to us in magnificent ways, so let’s dive in and let the Spirit speak to us through this wonderful parable.   In last week’s study, we tossed around the thought of what heaven might be like and the joy seen in heaven when a sinner repents. This is a natural reaction when we consider the relentless love of the Father and h...

Week Twenty-seven: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin

Welcome to Week Twenty-Seven of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at Luke 15:1-10. This is a beautiful parable of Jesus explaining how the shepherd will leave the 99 to look for the lost sheep, and the woman who has lost a coin will search everywhere for it. It is a beautiful story because it gives us a portrait of the love our Lord has for the lost and how He desires for all to come to repentance. I think this perspective is critical if we are to get a glimpse of who God really is and what He ultimately wants for all mankind. A few questions/thoughts that come to mind: ·        The religious leaders wouldn’t associate with “sinners;” what does this tell you about their character and how they saw their own source of righteousness? ·        Who were the “sinners” Jesus was associating with? ·        Why did Jesus choose to dine with people that were so reviled by the religious lead...

Week Twenty-Six: Workers in the Vineyard

Welcome to Week Twenty-Six of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at Matthew 20: 1-16, but you should actually start reading in Matthew 19:16 and read through the end of the chapter. You will note that chapter 20 picks up right where chapter 19 left off, meaning this was one series of interactions between Jesus, His disciples, and the people around them. It should really be one long chapter to preserve the context of this dialogue. At any rate, we find Jesus once again discussing His kingdom and what is necessary to be saved. I think one of the prevailing themes of this dialogue is the sovereignty of God, which we encounter throughout the scriptures. As you read through these verses, consider what Jesus is getting at and how radical these concepts were to this audience. These ideas are every bit as radical today as they were then. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this...

Week Twenty-Five: The Persistent Friend

Welcome to Week Twenty-Five of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at Luke 11:1-13. This passage is about prayer and includes the “Lord’s Prayer,” along with our parable for this week, the persistent friend. And we’ll throw in the dialogue of the verses that follow, since these go right along with the parable. We discussed prayer last week as well, looking at the Pharisee and the tax collector and their respective prayers. Last week was more focused on the heart condition of the person praying while this week we also examine how persistence may pay off, and what or why the Lord desires for us to pray. It should be an interesting conversation! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, i...

Week Twenty-Three: The Relentless Widow

Welcome to Week Twenty-Three of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at the parable of the unrighteous judge and the relentless widow. Last week we opened our study with a question about God’s sovereignty. We will somewhat continue that conversation this week as we discuss a parable that Jesus told to teach us to be persistent in our prayers. Another angle on this to consider the dynamic between turning over an issue to God vs. continuing to petition God. Which is it? Do we pray over it and then turn it over to God? Or do we keep praying? Related to this is the power of our prayers and God’s will. Do our prayers really work to change God’s mind? If not, why are we told to pray at all? It seems there are many things to think about this week! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. John MacArthur article on God's Absolute Sovereignty:  ...

Week Twenty-one: The Rich Man and Lazarus

Welcome to Week Twenty-one of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, found in Luke 16:19-31. This story comes on the heals of a contentious exchange between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders. Specifically, Jesus was teaching about the dangers associated with loving money and material possessions, and he drew a stark contrast between actions that glorify the individual and those that spring from a contrite heart. These were words the Pharisees did not want to hear and provide the context for the story of the rich man and Lazarus. As always, we need to place ourselves in the time and culture of the audience and try to understand the meaning of the events that take place. Although I have read this story many times before, when we try to understand the context and thinking of the Jewish leaders during this time, the story comes to life in a new way. So, we will discuss these things and also life after death during our study Sunday nig...

Week Twenty - The Banquet

Welcome to Week Twenty of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at the parable of the banquet, found in Luke 14:15-24 and Matthew 22:1-14. Once again, we find Jesus speaking about the end times and who will enter into His kingdom. Obviously, that was a topic of interest to those around Him during that time and it certainly is today as well. Some believe that these two passages are parallel, meaning they are slightly different versions of the same parable by Jesus. The author of the book we are following believes they are separate because the accounts have a few specific differences. I am not inclined to debate either side, rather we will focus on the main idea of both parables, which is who will find their way into the Kingdom of God and who will not. This parable follows the sentiment from last week, which was “enter through the narrow door.” So that is what we will discuss this week. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at ...

Week Nineteen - The Narrow Door

Welcome to Week Nineteen of our Bible study! This week we will be looking at the parable of the narrow door, found in Luke 13:22-30. Once again, we find Jesus speaking about the end times and who will enter into His kingdom. Obviously, that was a topic of interest to those around Him during that time and it certainly is today as well. “Strive to enter through the narrow door” is an interesting phrase and one that we will look at in more detail Sunday evening. This statement goes hand in hand with others that suggest the path is wide that leads to destruction, and we must be deliberate to seek out the narrow door. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, iPad or other portable device, then you w...

Week Eighteen - The Faithful Servant

Welcome to Week Eighteen of our Bible Study! This week we look at Luke 12:35-48 and Matthew 24:45-51. This week’s lesson is about being prepared for the return of our Messiah. Both passages are very similar and speak of the Master returning to find some of His slaves doing well and some that are squandering their time and resources. As with many other parables, there is a dichotomy between the obedient and the disobedient, the sheep and the goats, and the faithful and the unfaithful. Many questions naturally present themselves. What is it that I should be doing to anticipate and prepare myself? How can I be more Kingdom focused on a daily basis? How can I keep the world from stealing my energy and joy?  We will discuss these questions and more in this week’s study! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in an...

Week Seventeen - Forgiveness

Welcome to Week Seventeen of our Bible Study! This week we look at Matthew 18:21-35. This week’s lesson is about forgiveness. How many times are you supposed to forgive someone? Does it matter about what they have done to you? What happens if we don’t forgive someone? And perhaps the ugly sibling of not forgiving is holding a grudge. How does holding a grudge affect both parties? While not really addressed in this passage, one has to imagine the same heart condition could lead someone to hold a grudge. We will discuss these questions and more in this week’s study! As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, iPad or other portable device, then you will need to download the free Zoom app. Once you h...

Week Sixteen - The Parable of the Talents

Welcome to Week Sixteen of our Bible Study! This week we look at Matthew 25:14-30. This passage is known as the parable of the talents and is another parable about the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus recounts the actions of 3 servants and how they use their master’s resources. As with all of these, it is interesting and quite thought provoking. I encourage you to pray over this passage and join us for the discussion. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, iPad or other portable device, then you will need to download the free Zoom app. Once you have the Zoom app, just open it and select “Join” a meeting, and use this ID:   696 778 0839. I would encourage everyone to go into their Zoom settings ...

Week Fifteen

Welcome to Week Fifteen of our Bible Study! This week we look at Luke 16:1-15. This is a somewhat unique and potentially challenging passage to dissect. Jesus discusses the actions of a steward who has been fired by his master and finds a way to turn the tables for his benefit. The master ends up commending his steward, the one he has just fired, for this shady behavior. The target audience seems to be the Jewish religious leaders. There are a lot of viewpoints on exactly what Jesus was teaching with this parable. We will do our best to open the Word and see if we can learn a few things from this passage. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page, then enter the meeting ID: 696 778 0839. If you are using a phone, iPad or other portable device, then you will need...

Week Fourteen - The Cost of Discipleship

Welcome to Week Fourteen of our Bible Study! This week we look at Luke 14:25-35. In this passage, our Lord discusses the cost of discipleship. This idea that there is a cost associated with becoming a Christian may be foreign these days, but Jesus spoke quite a lot about it. And if you think about it, this ties in nicely with the many parables about the Kingdom. Specifically, everything Jesus did while on earth was about the Kingdom, beginning it, establishing it, calling people into it, building it, etc. And the Great Commission is another statement about the Kingdom, right? “Go and make disciples” could just as well have been, “Go and build the Kingdom of God.” So, we will jump into this passage this week and see what the Lord has in store for us. As always, I welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you all Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meet...

Week Twelve - The Sheep and the Goats

Welcome to Week Twelve of our Bible Study! This week, we will look at a parable recorded in Matthew 25:31-46. Once again, our parable is about the Kingdom of Heaven, but these verses deal with God’s judgment. At that time, all the nations will be brought before God and separated, much as the sheep are separated from the goats. We are then told the deeds of the sheep (those on His right) distinguish them from the goats. It’s a very interesting passage and one we will open up and try to understand.   Here's a video that explains why the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats:  As always, we have lots of things to discuss and ponder this week. I look forward to seeing you all Sunday at 7:30 pm. Here are the details about joining us on Zoom. About Zoom:   We will use Zoom for this Bible study. If you are using a computer, just type in and select “Join a Meeting” at the top...

Week Eleven - The Ten Virgins

Welcome to Week Eleven of our Bible Study! This week, we will look at a parable recorded in Matthew 25:1-13. Once again, our parable is about the Kingdom of Heaven. When we look at the parables of our Savior topically, and consider the words He spoke in public ministry, it is interesting to note the things He emphasized. Thus far, this topic (Kingdom of Heaven) has been the dominate subject. We can dismiss this or read over it, as we often do when we read the Bible in small snippets, but we should also consider that each of these parables was preserved for our benefit and we should wonder why our Savior spoke so much of the Kingdom of Heaven. This week’s text is the parable of the Ten Virgins who are waiting for the arrival of the groom. This story follows up the text in Matthew 24 and continues the theme of being prepared for the return of our King. We will jump into the text and consider this aspect of the Kingdom, which is, how best can we prepare and stay ready for the return? ...

Week Ten - The Greatest Treasure

Welcome to Week Ten of our Bible Study! This week, we will look at parables recorded in Matthew 13:44-51. There are three comparisons made between objects and the Kingdom of God. It is interesting to note how many times Jesus made references to the Kingdom in his public ministry. In these verses, He speaks of the Kingdom’s value to the one who finds it, and also explains how the evil ones will be removed from among the righteous at the end of times.  Some questions we will address during our study time: -           Why are the evil ones allowed to exist amongst the righteous? -           Can we easily determine who the evil ones are? -           What deeds are manifested by those who are evil? -           What value do you place on the Kingdom of God? -        ...

Week Nine - Matthew 12

Welcome to Week Nine of our Bible Study! During this past week’s study, we discussed the ministry of John the Baptist and what people were looking for when Jesus came on the scene. We were challenged to consider that point again: Are we looking for a savior that meets our criteria and terms or are we open to encountering the Savior as He is revealed to us in the scriptures? It’s a heady question to consider. This week we study Matthew 12 and look at the interaction between religious leaders and Jesus. Again, we will consider the question, what were they looking for? Why is it that the people most equipped to recognize the Messiah refused to see him? While we live in different times and we aren’t Jewish leaders, many suffer from the same condition. On some level, we all want a god that fits our schedule and desires and that is the essence of religion, which is man expressing the answer to life’s most pressing question. Conversely, the essence of Christianity is simply “God said.” That...

Week Eight - The Children in the Marketplace

Welcome to Week Eight of our Bible Study! This week, we will continue our study of the parables of Jesus. We will look at a parable recorded in Matthew 11:16-19 and Luke 7:31-35. This story is used as a means to rebuke the “people of this generation.” Some questions we will address during our study time: -           Who is the target audience for this parable? -           Where did most of Jesus public ministry take place? -           Who was the target audience for most of Jesus public ministry? -           Who are the “people of this generation?” -           What else was Jesus talking about when he told this parable? -           What were the Jewish leaders looking for and why were they so at odds with Jesu...