We just finished the third chapter of John in our Sunday evening study and it is amazing to consider the number of statements in these first three chapters that affirm the deity of Jesus. This is the beauty of studying the Bible verse by verse rather than topical studies, you get a much fuller sense of what is written and it’s much easier to understand the context as well. If you were to look up the purpose of John’s gospel on the internet, you would get something like “John wrote his gospel to clearly state the deity of Jesus.” In fact, we get John’s purpose statement in chapter 20, verse 31: “… but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.” (NASB) So, we only have to read the first three chapters of John to understand who Jesus was and how we can be saved. And we don’t have to read past the first half of chapter 1 to see the deity of Jesus proclaimed by John. Of cou...
Two are better than one...a cord of three strands is not easily torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4